I am of the sea, Of saltwater and the lulling waves, Of the swaying sea,…

Anekke Fun & Music Story: dancing with life
Anekke Fun & Music Story: dancing with life
I had never imagined that a song could change my life in just an afternoon. Sitting on my bed, the radio played a song that would become my personal motto.
My bedroom turned into a dance floor. As my body surrendered to the music and the lyrics engraved themselves in my mind, I started to think again about the revolution of being oneself. And then I realised it: this revolution starts with dancing.
Dancing with my best smile on my face, dancing with life in all its different colours and stages, because that song was not just about me: it was about all women.
Its sound and lyrics united thousands of women who had never met and never will, but whose hearts echoed with the same message. It was a song that filled us with the same desires, the same aspirations.
A song that opened doors and shattered windows, so our dreams could fly free. A song that was mine, yours, ours — it belonged to all women. A song that shouted from the rooftops that nothing beats having fun. Being different. Being brave.
And there I was, dancing with life – thinking of the importance of being myself and having a voice of my own, because life is too short to waste on things that don’t make you happy. Because girls just wanna have fun.
Discover now the SS22 collection of Anekke: Fun & Music on the Official Anekke’s website here. Visit the website and discover this beautiful collection inspired by the song Girl just wanna have fun of Cindy Lauper, and fell in love with this bags and accesories collection for women. Don’t miss it!
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