Childhood is that first stage in our lives, when our first memories are formed. It…

For the right to be a girl
Hello dear readers! As you all know, the 20th of November is Universal Children’s Day, a day that I wanted to dedicate a few lines to all the women who were once little girls and moreover, to those who weren’t able to enjoy their childhood.
When we think about our childhood, on many occasions we remember things that are dear to us. Playing in the afternoon, the bedtime stories, the very first trips, the pranks with the brothers and sisters, friends or pets… Some memories produce an immense feeling of affection. Others make us laugh, as if we could actually hear the scolding at that very moment.
However, other girls didn’t have those memories or those magic moments as little girls, they were deprived of their right to be girls and the right to choose their own future.
That is why, the NGO Save The Children has been working on different projects for years, like the one that Anekke is involved in through our charity key ring: For the right to be a girl.
A project for the right to childhood
In Sierra Leona, currently 39% of girls under 18 are forced to get married (normally with men that are much older than them) and in many cases they become mums when they are only adolescents themselves, which means they have to give up their studies and therefore, their chances of developing their autonomy and improving their living conditions, so they are very restricted.
That is why projects like The Right to be a Girl, which we are working on together with Save The Children with our Charity Key Ring, are really necessary: not only to decrease the rate of child marriages, but also to help adolescent mothers from the area get more information, support, education and so that the girls can actually be just that: girls, not mums.
Charity Key Ring: Anekke Dreams and Hope
You all know that I am full of dreams and hope: the dream of being able to eradicate child marriage and the hope that all girls will have the right to be girls. That is why, our charity key rings have been given those names: Hope and Dreams, because when you buy one of them you are helping to make it even more possible for the dreams and hopes of these little girls to come true.
They cost 7.90€ and all the profits go to The Right to be a Girl project of Save The Children: a small amount to make the whole world possible for these girls.
Here are the links where you can buy them directly: Charity Key Ring Hope or Charity Key Ring Dreams.
Or if you are going to buy something else too from any of my collections on the website, if you add a charity key ring to your shopping cart, you get postage and packaging free!
Because we are dedicating Universal Children’s day to all girls, don’t forget to add your charity key ring to your shopping cart! For yourself, because you were a girl once and for all girls, so that they never have to give up their childhood. For the right to be a girl!
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