I am of the sea, Of saltwater and the lulling waves, Of the swaying sea,…

Anekke Faith
Anekke Faith
I think that collecting moments is living. Collecting moments that excite us, when we laugh, moments that cheer you up when you remember them, that is living.
Because in life, things come and go, so do people. And when they go, it is up to us to save the good from all these things, and these people. I have a box full of moments and I open it whenever I am sad. Why?
Because this is how I have learnt what happiness is, or well, what happiness means to me.
For me happiness is making the most of the present and enjoying the good things about it. It is not feeling guilty about doing this, because you never know how elusive this happiness can be.
Happiness is not forgetting that we probably already have the best things in life. Family, friends, love… these are the things that really count.
That is why, I collect moments, I select the best and I keep them.
Obviously many of them will be impossible to forget, but if I ever do, I just open my box again to remember.
I am a moment collector, a COLLECTOR OF HAPPY MOMENTS.
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