I am of the sea, Of saltwater and the lulling waves, Of the swaying sea,…

Anekke Kenya
I have always felt very close to nature, as if I was part of its roots, and in turn, a piece of it grows in me too. It was this union, which definitely prompted me to set off on the adventure that would change everything later on. In my mind I had already started the trip way before we got there. I had often imagined what this very special place would be like and when I felt the warm air on my cheeks, a feeling of freedom flowed through my body. That place made me tremble. We had just got to our destination and everything felt different there.
-“Breathe deeply Towanda; we have just arrived in Kenya “our journey has just begun”.
We were completely surrounded by vibrant life and we immediately delved into the wealth of its culture, we learned about its philosophy of life, the goodness of its people and we realised that happiness comes from pure necessities.
Towanda and I, we became two members more, and like indomitable spirits, we started to discover all our surroundings. Kenya was like a wildlife safari, where the animals were the owners of their homes and we were the guests, we learned to see the world through their eyes. When our steps joined those of others that lived in this wonderful place, we discovered that although they are different, our paths are the same.
The sound of the trees guided us through the depths of the forests, on our way we uncovered the history of wonderful women who had fought to preserve this environment, planting thousands of new ideas in us. Ideas that would soon become our cornerstones of life. Appreciate everything that surrounds us, look after it and be grateful for it, such simple things, yet so fulfilling and satisfying at the same time.
I looked at Towanda, and I quickly realised that we would remember this trip forever. Now everything would be different, we would be different, since Kenya had changed us. We had discovered the lungs of nature in their purest form. It opened our eyes up to a new world and we were connected to it like we never had been before. We understood the place where we lived, its energy and the importance of loving the small things, because ultimately, these are what make us feel great.
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