I am of the sea, Of saltwater and the lulling waves, Of the swaying sea,…
Anekke Stories
Anekke Stories
I’m often asked where my love for stories comes from. And if I look back, I can’t help remembering my childhood, full of great memories and experiences. Always playing, inventing situations, giving life to old toys and conjuring up a new world in my imagination every single day. Because in a girl’s mind, a simple shoe box can become a castle.
This is one of the joys of childhood, which shelters us from the outside world with a halo of innocence and eyes eager to explore every corner of the world, making us capable of building our own reality in a room with toys.
We were captains of pirate ships, we became princesses who would gallop off on their wooden horse, and we experienced adventures with our cuddly toys. And my love for stories undoubtedly comes from that time, in which me and my toys created my own reality, my dream world.
Because your inner child is in each of your future stories!
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