I am of the sea, Of saltwater and the lulling waves, Of the swaying sea,…

Anekke Sweet
Anekke Sweet
Let´s say that I am proud about being able to shout out loud that yes, real love does exist and that it is sweet, very sweet.
It is as sweet as the first bite of an African fruit, like the red colours of the sun setting in the valley of dreams, so sweet and attractive that it makes your heart beat very fast.
Love at first sight, or love that blossoms whenever that special person shares beautiful words with you, which in your ears sound like the prettiest music. Because all kinds of love are marvellous. With those small, unpredictable gestures. With the smiles, the winks, the shared moments… Because love is one of the most powerful feelings in the world, although sometimes it hurts.
Love at dawn and you feel the heat of its smile, knowing that you will keep it in your retina until time waters it down.
Love is sweet, because it is the candy to transmit peace in the world, and give smiles as gifts in spite of any overwhelming cloud of sadness.
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