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The magic of september

Ever since I was very small, September has always been a month full of excitement and good things for me, it is one of my most special moments of the year, when I have the chance to get to know myself again and enjoy incredible stories together with Towanda.

It is a month that takes me back to my childhood, when I filled my backpack with books and dreams. I remember the feeling I had when I opened the brand new books. The smell of going into the bookshops full of stories just waiting to be told. I dreamed of sailing through each line of those pages, I wanted to discover each part of their chapters, and become another character of those paragraphs full of wisdom and experiences. That feeling comes back whenever I embark upon something new, I get butterflies in my stomach that remind me of the love I feel for the tiny details, for the things that are essential for the soul even though they are invisible to the eye.

September arrives to remind us that journeys are full of vivid emotions, experiences that hide great lessons behind them and many reencounters, both with our nearest and dearest and with ourselves. Once I was asked how many times I could begin again, as many as you like, of course! I answered, full of self-assurance and confidence in what I said. Is there even a maximum number of times you can learn, make mistakes, or be happy?  Life is always a rollercoaster of magic moments that prompt us to surpass our own limits, discover new horizons and become the main characters of stories full of dreams to fulfil.

Now I know that the beginnings are always marvellous opportunities to look forward to something, they are moments to put on a smile, moments to love what you do, and to discover endearing stories that are just waiting to be told and above all, be enjoyed.

How about you? Are you ready to go on an adventure this September?

Discover our Arizona collection through this link, and get ready to enjoy thousands of stories with us!

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